07 August 2015

Warham Camp and Binham Priory..... in Norfolk, this afternoon

The pub where Pixie was given a free treat!
The narrow lane up to the very impressive Warham Camp from the village..
The river Stiffkey...
The best preserved iron age fort in East Anglia built within a bend in the river Stiffkey over 2000 years ago by the Iceni and reused in the Roman period, and possibly by the Danes as the local name for this site is 'Danish Camp' ....
The Holme Oak .... could this be the descendant of one brought here by the Romans?  Or maybe brought back from a Grand Tour in more recent times....
And just up the road to beautiful Binham Priory which was founded in about 1091 by the nephew of William the Conqueror .......

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